Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Partakers of Spiritual Fullness

Ephesians 1:3
Blessed [is] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who did bless us in every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. -YLT

Colossians 2:9-10
Because in him doth tabernacle all the fulness of the Godhead bodily, and ye are in him made full, who is the head of all principality and authority. - YLT

2 Peter 1:3-4
According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. - KJV

John 1:16
And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace. KJV

The preceding verses stress a reality that seems to be unknown in the heart of so many believers today. The assertion is that in Christ, we have been made to be partakers of all spiritual fullness. How? It is because the Beloved Son, in Whom all spiritual substance is embodied, now abides within our souls. Understand that the fullness is not something He gives to us or that we acquire through different religious efforts, nor is it a fullness that we are still awaiting until a future time. The fullness of which we are now partakers is Christ Himself and because He indwells our souls, our souls are the dwelling place of His fullness, His allness, His completeness. There is absolutely no scriptural argument against that. I did not say that many would not argue against such a statement, but I am saying that no such argument has any scriptural support.

To so many, such fullness seems to be vacant because the evidence of that fullness seems to be lacking. I remember a time when that was my condition. I cried out daily to the God that I loved, "This cannot be everything, there has to be something greater than what I have". The fact is that there was nothing greater than what I already had residing in my soul, but I was unaware of the fullness that was present. What we, as believers, perceive to be an issue of accomplishment on God's part is a matter of comprehension on our part.

Union with Christ has indeed made us partakers of all things pertaining unto life and godliness. Christ is now made unto our souls all that He is. However, it is possible to have been made to be a present partaker of spiritual fullness by union with Christ and not be inwardly partaking of that fullness by the revelation of Christ. Unfortunately, most born again believers, who have within their souls such fullness by reason of Christ's presence, have absolutely no inward realization of their present state because they are living in ignorance of Him Who is present. While it is true that our ignorance of the indwelling fullness of Christ does not diminish or nullify that fullness in any way; such ignorance does hinder our soul from actively partaking of Christ as that fullness.

One reason I believe that this is so prevalent is because we have been taught to look for the evidence of spiritual fullness in a realm in which it will not and cannot be observed. That was my condition. I was expecting to observe the validation or proof of my Salvation with my natural faculties. This caused me to seek after a vain expectation for many years. Sadly, most sincere Christians are actively pursuing "false evidences" by which to define or identify the spiritual fullness for which their souls are longing. In other words, we are seeking on the earth the evidence of a reality, which can only be realized or evidenced in heaven. Not heaven as a place we will go, but heaven as the present state of being in which we live as those who are blessed with all spiritual blessing in heaven, in Christ and as those who have been quickened, raised and seated together in heaven, in Christ.

Jesus plainly states that the Kingdom of God does not come with observation. The actual Greek word for observation there is defined as "ocular evidence". Nevertheless, we are told that we are still to look for that very kingdom and the evidence of its presence to be observable to our natural faculties. Remember, He also said that the Kingdom of God is within us, so that should give us some idea of where the evidence of that Kingdom will be made known. So, how do we observe the evidence of spiritual fullness? It is by faith. For it is faith that beholds the evidence of that which was not, is not and cannot be naturally perceived. Faith is not, our believing for something that is invisible to the natural eye until it becomes visible to the natural eye. Faith is God revealing in us that spiritual substance that will never be made visible to the base faculties of man. Faith is the soul beholding the indwelling Christ as the evidence and substance that we have in our ignorance sought for on the earth or in ourselves.

In 2 Corinthians 5:7, Paul says, "For we walk by faith, not by sight." We quote this verse, but what does that mean? He says the same thing in 2 Corinthians 4:18, "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal." This is not admonishing us to live in some invisible fantasy world, but is declaring that the view of our souls should be set within a realm that is much more real than anything the natural eye can behold. The Greek word for "look" in this verse is transliterated skopeo. It is from this word, that we get the English word scope. Paul is saying that the scope of our perception, the range of our observation, if we are to behold the spiritual fullness of which we are partakers, cannot be through the means of natural sight, but must be the spiritual sight called faith. In other words, the extent of our view cannot be constrained within the parameters of this natural realm of sight and sound, but in Christ, Who is the length, breadth, depth, and height of all spiritual fullness. Paul gives us the means and the basis of such a view in 2 Corinthians 4:6, "For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." Man's viewpoint is naturally bound to the earth. We must 'lift up now our eyes' that God may reveal in our souls the present and glorious Christ. In His revealed presence, our souls are ushered into a participation with eternal fullness that we may have been told was only possible in the distant future.

If my natural eyes can observe it, there remains no need for the Spirit of God to reveal it. Therefore, such naturally perceived happenings or manifestations can never give evidence to spiritual fullness, for spiritual fullness can only be discerned and revealed by the Spirit of God. That which comes with ocular evidence is always contrary and stands in opposition to spiritual reality. Whether it be righteousness, holiness, perfection, glory, love, peace or power; except Christ be revealed in us as their spiritual evidence and eternal definition, we will still vainly seek for them to be evidenced on the earth and that will never happen. We may convince ourselves or deceive ourselves into believing that such outward evidence exists, but it does not.

My point is that we can be made to be partakers of fullness and still not be actively partaking of that fullness. Therefore, we can continually believe that there is something missing or something lacking, but there is only a lack of faith, an absence of spiritual comprehension. I have said many times that we have a perfect Salvation, but an imperfect comprehension of that perfect Salvation. In your soul presently dwells the fullness that you may believe to be lacking, but the eyes on your head will not observe its evidence. It is the eyes of your soul or as Paul says, "The eyes of your understanding" that must be flooded with Light. The eyes on your head were not created for that vision; only the eyes of the soul were created to behold such substance.

I am reminded of the angel's words to those who came to the tomb after Jesus had risen. A very literal translation is, 'Why do you seek the Living One among the dead ones'. He was telling them, 'The One you are seeking will not be found by you or made evident to you within the realm in which you seek, for He is not present in that realm, He is risen.' Then Paul, would say to us, 'In view of the fact that you are risen with Christ, seek that which is above, not that which is on the earth'. The attitudes or moral codes of humanity will never evidence righteousness or holiness. Glory is never evidenced by flashes of light or outbursts of emotion. Peace is never evidenced by the absence of hardships or the presence of agreeable situations. The power of God is given no evidence by physical or any other external manifestation. I am not say that these things are wrong or that they do not happen; I am saying that these things and others like them can never give evidence to the spiritual reality of which they speak. These and every other aspect of spiritual reality are embodied in the indwelling Christ and are only evidenced in our souls when the Father reveals that same Christ.
Seeing that we are Raised with Him, and are complete in Him in Whom dwells all spiritual fullness, let us set the affection and attention of our souls on Him Who is above and no longer occupy our time attempting to know Him, define Him, or validate Him on the earth. May the evidence of our perfect Salvation be revealed in us this day.

About the Author:
Rabon Byrd is a Bible Teacher, writer, and editor at the C.M.I. Bible Research Center in Leslie, Arkansas. For more Christ-centered writings, audio and video teachings from Rabon and fellow laborers in Christ, visit cmintl.org or rabonbyrd.blogspot.com. Feel free to email him at rabonbyrd@ymail.com

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